nedeľa 30. augusta 2020

Zjazvený kráľ

„Vybudujú spolu nový svet.
Ale najprv budú musieť spáliť ten starý.“

Názov: Zjazvený kráľ
Zjazvený kráľ #1
Leigh Bardugo
Vydavateľstvo, rok vydania: Slovart, 2020
Počet strán: 488
Hodnotenie GR (v čase písania recenzie): 4,20


Nikolai Lantsov mal odjakživa dar dokázať nemožné. Nikto nevie, čo si počas krvavej občianskej vojny vytrpel - a chce, aby to tak aj ostalo. Teraz sa však na oslabených hraniciach zbiehajú nepriatelia a mladý kráľ musí nájsť spôsob, ako znova naplniť ravkanské pokladnice, nadviazať nové spojenectvá a zastaviť hrozbu, ktorej čelí kedysi veľkolepá grišská armáda. 

Temná mágia v jeho vnútri však každý deň mocnie a hrozí, že zničí všetko jeho úsilie. Nikolai sa v sprievode mladého mnícha a legendárnej grišskej búrničky vydá s cieľom poraziť svoje prekliatie na tie miesta v Ravke, kde prežíva staroveká mágia. Dá do stávky všetko, aby zachránil seba a svoju krajinu. Niektoré tajomstvá však nemajú ostať tajomstvami – a niektoré rany sa nemajú zahojiť.

piatok 21. augusta 2020

The Empire of Gold

“It hurt worse to see your dreams destroyed than to never have them at all.”

Názov: The Empire of Gold
Séria: The Daevabad Trilogy
Autor: S.A. Chakraborty
Vydavateľstvo, rok vydania: Harper Voyager, 2020
Počet strán: 766
Hodnotenie GR (v čase písania recenzie): 4,60


The final chapter in the bestselling, critically acclaimed Daevabad Trilogy, in which a con-woman and an idealistic djinn prince join forces to save a magical kingdom from a devastating civil war. 
Daevabad has fallen. 
After a brutal conquest stripped the city of its magic, Nahid leader Banu Manizheh and her resurrected commander, Dara, must try to repair their fraying alliance and stabilize a fractious, warring people. 
But the bloodletting and loss of his beloved Nahri have unleashed the worst demons of Dara’s dark past. To vanquish them, he must face some ugly truths about his history and put himself at the mercy of those he once considered enemies. 
Having narrowly escaped their murderous families and Daevabad’s deadly politics, Nahri and Ali, now safe in Cairo, face difficult choices of their own. While Nahri finds peace in the old rhythms and familiar comforts of her human home, she is haunted by the knowledge that the loved ones she left behind and the people who considered her a savior are at the mercy of a new tyrant. Ali, too, cannot help but look back, and is determined to return to rescue his city and the family that remains. Seeking support in his mother’s homeland, he discovers that his connection to the marid goes far deeper than expected and threatens not only his relationship with Nahri, but his very faith.  
As peace grows more elusive and old players return, Nahri, Ali, and Dara come to understand that in order to remake the world, they may need to fight those they once loved... and take a stand for those they once hurt.

piatok 7. augusta 2020

The Kingdom of Copper

“It is time we get some vengeance for what they have done.”

Názov: The Kingdom of Copper
The Daevabad Trilogy
S.A. Chakraborty
Vydavateľstvo, rok vydania:
HarperVoyager, 2019
Počet strán: 625
Hodnotenie GR (v čase písania recenzie): 4,41


Nahri’s life changed forever the moment she accidentally summoned Dara, a formidable, mysterious djinn, during one of her schemes. Whisked from her home in Cairo, she was thrust into the dazzling royal court of Daevabad and quickly discovered she would need all her grifter instincts to survive there.
Now, with Daevabad entrenched in the dark aftermath of the battle that saw Dara slain at Prince Ali’s hand, Nahri must forge a new path for herself, without the protection of the guardian who stole her heart or the counsel of the prince she considered a friend. But even as she embraces her heritage and the power it holds, she knows she’s been trapped in a gilded cage, watched by a king who rules from the throne that once belonged to her familyand one misstep will doom her tribe.
Meanwhile, Ali has been exiled for daring to defy his father. Hunted by assassins, adrift on the unforgiving copper sands of his ancestral land, he is forced to rely on the frightening abilities the marid, the unpredictable water spirits, have gifted him. But in doing so, he threatens to unearth a terrible secret his family has long kept buried.
And as a new century approaches and the djinn gather within Daevabad's towering brass walls for celebrations, a threat brews unseen in the desolate north. It’s a force that would bring a storm of fire straight to the city’s gates . . . and one that seeks the aid of a warrior trapped between worlds, torn between a violent duty he can never escape and a peace he fears he will never deserve.